Pedophilia/Childlove/Minor Attraction # But aren't pedophiles all just child molesters? # > 10% is still a lot though. # > What about MAPs? Aren't they just trolls? # > Why should I call them MAPs and not pedophiles? # > But isn't pedophilia just a sexual fetish for children? # > But kids can't consent! # > What about the age of consent? It's 18! # > What about actual child rapists? And baby rapists? # > How could a kid ever want a relationship with an adult? # > Adult attracted minor? That just sounds like you're trying to justify pedophilia by making up attractions. # > What about the power inbalance? # > Then why the trauma? # > But won't sex at such an early age warp a child's mind? # > But the brain doesn't stop developing until 18! # > How many MAPs are really out there? # > What about pedos who look at child porn? # > But pedophilia is unnatural! # > But there's no history to pedophilia! Other groups like LGBTQ+ have a rich history. # > What about those "transage" people rping as children online? # > But pedophilia is illegal! # > Can a minor be a pedophile? # > But aren't all pedos just depraved men? # > Do you think pedos should be allowed around children? # > Why do you want rights? You're not oppressed. # > You just wanna have sex with kids. # > Zoophilia/Bestiality # But animals can't consent! # > But zoophilia isn't natural! # > But animals weren't created to have sex with other species animals! # > But doesn't bestiality create diseases? # > But animals are too dumb to understand consent! # > How can body language be a valid form of consent? # > But zoophilia is illegal! # > But aren't animals obligated to do whatever their owners want for fear of punishment? # > But aren't you anti-pet? How can you be pro-animal-liberation and pro-contact zoophilia? # > Consanguinamory/Incest # But doesn't incest result in deformed offspring? # > But incest isn't natural! # > But isn't incest illegal? # > What about the power dynamics? # > Paraphilias In General # What is a paraphilia anyways? # > What about necrophilia? # > What about people who are attracted to rape? # > But won't all people with paraphilias hurt someone? # > But doesn't pride in a paraphilia encourage acting on it? # > Paraphilias are all mental illnesses that need to be cured. # > Calling a paraphilia a sexuality gives real sexualities a bad rep. # > Are sadism and machochism paraphilias? # > What about weird fetishes? # > Transids # What's a transid? # > But how can you be trans- anything besides gender? # > But gender is the only one with dysphoria! # > What if someone isn't dysphoric? # > Okay, well gender is the only one that's a social construct... right? # > But aren't most transids just microlabels? # > What's transrace? # > Isn't transrace racist? # > Do you think you can say the n-word? # > Wasn't the term "transracial" stolen from adoptees? # > What about those RCTA people on TikTok? # > What's alterhumanity, therianthropy, and otherkinity? # > What about Kin For Fun? # > What about transnazis and other hateful people? # > Most transids, like transeyecolor, are dumb, why don't you just say you want different colored eyes? # > Isn't it ableist to be "transabled" and want a disability? # > What's BIID? # > Plurality/Systems # But how can a system not be formed from trauma? # > But isn't creating a system cultural appropriation of tulpamancy? # > Aren't endogenic systems chosen? # >