Blah blah blah pinned post programmer computer program rp thing haha so silly :3

arisu.exe shared 11 minutes ago
arisu.exe shared 2 hours ago

gm pedi ☕

arisu.exe shared 6 hours ago
arisu.exe shared 6 hours ago

part of me has thought of making a group chat for radqueers that live in washington. it'd be a hand picked list of people i've personally met and can vouch for

but some part of me is still worried that somehow an anti would slip through the cracks... ugh, fuck antis for making me so paranoid

autourolagnia: the attraction to being pee

vr japanese porn hits different

arisu.exe shared 18 hours ago


uoghhhh japanese pussy 😭

arisu.exe shared 21 hours ago

is imagine dragons an industry plant

gonna rant about night visions some more

i ranted about it to a coworker once. it's such a weird album

wikipedia claims it has "hip hop influnences" bitch where??? the drum loops? by that logic all pop music has hip hop influences it

is it by his fast singing?

i swear to god dan reynolds is so scared of rapping. if he's gonna be giving us those flows then please for the love of god rap it and stop singing

it's time by imagine dragons is the opposite of every punk song ever

"i don't ever wanna leave this town" bitch WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS TOWN 😭

radioactive pisses me off cuz it's nothing like the rest of the album

night visions is a scam

when the album peaks at track 01

It really is a feat that I have as many followers as I do and I don't even post porn

I've been listening to korn lately


don't tell anyo but i love hym 🥺